In the annals of strange animals, monsters, and mystery beasts there are some that seem to truly defy classification, and which really go to the far extremes of the weird. These are creatures and entities that defy any real category, cause us to scratch our heads, and which flutter on the edge of absurdity, and […]
Spoiler alert! Stop the scary theme music! Forget about being a Nefertiti mummy on Halloween. Science has killed hopes for any new movies based on the mummy of Queen Nefertiti being released from her secret burial chamber in the tomb of Tutankhamun. A comprehensive series of ground-penetrating radar scans found no hidden chambers, hallways or […]
OK, get your “guys with tiny brains” jokes ready. Researchers have finished piecing together bone fragments found in South Africa in 2013 and determined that they came from an extinct relative of modern humans who was stuck with a tiny brain but still had the ability to talk. What good is talking if the sound […]