First use of the I-LOFAR with the International LOFAR Telescope
Entertainment Mystery Science Universe

First use of the I-LOFAR with the International LOFAR Telescope

Article by Aaron Golden, Visiting Astronomer at the Armagh Observatory and Planetarium Stephen Bourke works at the Department of Space, Earth and Environment, Onsala Space Observatory in Sweden, and Aaron Golden at the School of Maths in NUI Galway, and is a visiting astronomer at the Armagh Observatory and Planetarium. The I-LOFAR observations were taken […]

As written by the students: Observing Asteroids
Entertainment Mystery Science Universe

As written by the students: Observing Asteroids

Article by: Daragh Logue, Peter McCormick, Ciaran McCaffrey Assisted By: Maria Buckland, Sarah Bell, Adam McAfee The Observatory and Planetarium has welcomed school students to visit for work experience. A previous Astronotes article described our work with the Faulkes Telescope Project. Below is an account written by three of our work experience students in 2018 March, […]

April Night Sky 2018
Entertainment Mystery Science Universe

April Night Sky 2018

Article by: Yanina Metodieva, PhD student at the Armagh Observatory and Planetarium March has certainly been an eventful month, and now we’re in to April. The Spring has definitely sprung and we’re enjoying the stretch in the evenings, even if it makes stargazing a little trickier. Sure we have to go out later and later […]

La Palma and GOTO
Entertainment Mystery Science Universe

La Palma and GOTO

Article by: Tom Watts In collaboration with universities in England, Australia and Thailand, the Armagh Observatory and Planetarium is part of a team operating and commissioning the new Gravitational wave Optical Transient Observatory (GOTO) at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory on the island of La Palma. The observatory site as seen from the on […]

Evidence of “Planet Nine” Found in Mysterious Deep Space Object
Entertainment Science Universe

Evidence of “Planet Nine” Found in Mysterious Deep Space Object

Chalk it up to the conspiracy theorist in me, but sometimes I think NASA removed Pluto’s distinction as a planet so they wouldn’t have to say they’ve found proof of “Planet X.” It sounds less threatening to say “Planet Nine,” especially when there’s recent news of more evidence for a large, mysterious planet at the far edge […]

Mysterious Woman Laughs Uncontrollably When Others Are Tickled
Entertainment Mystery News Science Universe

Mysterious Woman Laughs Uncontrollably When Others Are Tickled

Have you ever watched a fight on television or in real life and reflexively cringed as if you were feeling the punches yourself? That could be a sign of empathy. Have you ever watched someone being tickled and laughed uncontrollably as if you were being tickled yourself? That’s called being really creepy. Or maybe not. […]

Mysterious Hairy Globster in the Philippines Seen as Ill Omen
Entertainment Mystery News Science Universe

Mysterious Hairy Globster in the Philippines Seen as Ill Omen

Out of all the mysteries of the oceans, none is perhaps as disgusting as the globster. Throughout history, unidentifiable reeking masses of sea animal flesh have been discovered along seashores around the world, grossing out beachgoers and generally stinking up the joint. While these blobs of rotting meat are often cited as proof of unknown […]