Search for MH370 Finds Mysterious Shipwrecks Instead
Entertainment Mystery News Universe

Search for MH370 Finds Mysterious Shipwrecks Instead

In 1883, the West Ridge sank while carrying British coal to India. The ship and its 28-person crew were never found. In 1877, the W.Gordon sank while sailing from Scotland to Australia and the ship and its 10-person crew were never found. In 1882, the Magdala disappeared on a voyage from Wales to Indonesia and […]

Lesser-Known Morphing Monsters
Entertainment Mystery News Universe

Lesser-Known Morphing Monsters

The United Kingdom is home to the eerie, body-morphing creature known as the Phantom Black Dog. On rare occasions people have describe the mysterious, red-eyed dogs taking on multiple forms, including large cats and even bear-like animals. And walking upright, no less. The United States has its very own supernatural equivalent of the PBD. It’s […]

Alien Hunting on America’s Bizarre UFO Highway
Entertainment Mystery News Universe

Alien Hunting on America’s Bizarre UFO Highway

There seem to be places in this world which draw to themselves strangeness in all of its forms. Whatever bizarre phenomenon it may be, these locations seem to to hold them fast, pulling them in with forces beyond our comprehension. One such place can be found sprawled out right through the center of the United […]

Vast Reserve of Frozen Water Might Hide Beneath the Moon’s Surface
Entertainment Mystery News Universe

Vast Reserve of Frozen Water Might Hide Beneath the Moon’s Surface

We often forget how mysterious our moon is. Maybe it’s due to seeing it every night, just hanging out in the sky, predictably waxing and waning. Of all the celestial bodies in our solar system, the moon is probably taken for granted the most. That’s too bad, because the moon is weird, and scientists are […]

Pentagon, MoD Officials Dismiss UFOs Due to Belief They Are Demonic
Entertainment Mystery News Universe

Pentagon, MoD Officials Dismiss UFOs Due to Belief They Are Demonic

UFO headlines broke into mainstream news last year when it was revealed that the Pentagon had funded a $22 million research project known as the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP).  The program had connections to aerospace entrepreneur Robert Bigelow, a common subject of conspiracy theories alleging that the U.S. government or private contractors hare […]