UFOs: The Chupacabra Connection
Entertainment Mystery News Science Tech Universe

UFOs: The Chupacabra Connection

Wright-Patterson Air Force Base’s reputation as the number-one resting place for alien entities with distinctly bad flying skills is legendary in UFO research circles. Insiders and whistle-blowers talk about off-limits hangars and the The Blue Room. Supposedly, they are rooms, buildings, and underground bunkers that are home to the carefully-preserved remains of numerous dead extraterrestrials […]

Earth Will Be Hit By a Civilization-Ending Asteroid With 100% Certainty
Mystery Science Universe

Earth Will Be Hit By a Civilization-Ending Asteroid With 100% Certainty

Earth will be hit by an asteroid in future, similar to the one that killed off the dinosaurs. That will wipe out most, if not all forms of life. This will happen with a 100 percent certainty, say the B612 Foundation. While that might seem like they are a group of paranoid, conspiracy theorists, the Inquisitr […]

Colliding Wormholes, Not Black Holes, Could Be Sending Gravitational Waves Rippling Through Space-Time
Mystery Science Universe

Colliding Wormholes, Not Black Holes, Could Be Sending Gravitational Waves Rippling Through Space-Time

Could rotating wormholes, not black holes, be responsible for sending gravitational waves through space-time? A team of European physicists is exploring the possibility. Astronomers conclude the existence of black holes through numerous models, observations, and experiments. In 2015, data from the LIGO experiment has revolutionized the study of astrophysics when scientists confirmed Einstein’s theory of […]

NASA Loses Contact with Its Opportunity Rover on Mars
Mystery Science Universe

NASA Loses Contact with Its Opportunity Rover on Mars

NASA’s Opportunity rover on Mars has lost touch with its handlers back on Earth, probably due to a low-power condition brought on by a chokingly thick dust storm. The storm is covering an area of 14 million square miles, or a quarter of the Red Planet, NASA said today in a mission update.   The solar-powered rover has […]

The Milky Way Galaxy Might Be Twice as Wide as Astronomers Thought
Mystery Science Universe

The Milky Way Galaxy Might Be Twice as Wide as Astronomers Thought

It’s notoriously tricky to measure the size of the Milky Way from within. Astronomers have trouble seeing the forest for the trees—or in this case, the galaxy for the stars. But a new study sheds some light on the size of our galaxy, suggesting that the stars at the galactic edge are about twice as […]

The Top 10 Science Myths That Everyone Believes
Mystery Science Universe

The Top 10 Science Myths That Everyone Believes

It’s hard to tell fact from fiction, especially when it comes to Science. There are several topics that are commonly regarded as scientific fact but are actually myths. Lightning never strikes the same place twice and the five-second rule are scientific myths commonly regarded as truths by many people, but it’s all made up. They […]

Soon, Earth’s Magnetic Poles Could Flip
Mystery Science Universe

Soon, Earth’s Magnetic Poles Could Flip

If you’ve ever used a compass, you already know that the Earth has a magnetic field by which we can navigate. When the needle of our compass points north, it’s actually pointing toward Earth’s magnetic south — because, with magnets, opposites attract. But north as we know it has not always been.   In fact, throughout the […]

Mysterious Objects Have Been Detected Coming Way Too Close to The Milky Way’s Black Hole
Mystery Science Universe

Mysterious Objects Have Been Detected Coming Way Too Close to The Milky Way’s Black Hole

During the 1970s, astronomer became aware of a massive radio source at the center of our galaxy that they later realized was a Supermassive Black Hole (SMBH) – which has since been named Sagittarius A* and in a recent survey conducted by NASA, astronomers discovered evidence for hundreds or even thousands of black holes located in the same […]

Comet Watch – Work experience students spy on comets using GOTO
Entertainment Mystery Science Universe

Comet Watch – Work experience students spy on comets using GOTO

Article Written by Gavin Ramsay Comets have been known for millennia with Halley’s Comet famously being shown in the Bayeux Tapestry illustrating events which took place in 1066. They were also thought to foretell catastrophic events. Today we know them as having a small nucleus made up of ice and dust and when they near […]