Mysterious Woman Laughs Uncontrollably When Others Are Tickled
Entertainment Mystery News Science Universe

Mysterious Woman Laughs Uncontrollably When Others Are Tickled

Have you ever watched a fight on television or in real life and reflexively cringed as if you were feeling the punches yourself? That could be a sign of empathy. Have you ever watched someone being tickled and laughed uncontrollably as if you were being tickled yourself? That’s called being really creepy. Or maybe not. […]

Mysterious Hairy Globster in the Philippines Seen as Ill Omen
Entertainment Mystery News Science Universe

Mysterious Hairy Globster in the Philippines Seen as Ill Omen

Out of all the mysteries of the oceans, none is perhaps as disgusting as the globster. Throughout history, unidentifiable reeking masses of sea animal flesh have been discovered along seashores around the world, grossing out beachgoers and generally stinking up the joint. While these blobs of rotting meat are often cited as proof of unknown […]

Ancient “Spells” Found Carved into Stones Surrounding Underwater Castle
Entertainment Mystery News Science Universe

Ancient “Spells” Found Carved into Stones Surrounding Underwater Castle

Thanks to advances in ROVs, or remotely operated underwater vehicles, many of the mysteries of the deep are now beginning to reveal themselves to scientists and amateur mystery hunters alike. Late last year, an underwater castle was discovered under the waters of Lake Van, Turkey, providing archaeologists with a completely unknown structure to study. Just […]

Bizarre Reality Shifts, Parallel Worlds, and the Mandela Effect
Entertainment Mystery News Science Universe

Bizarre Reality Shifts, Parallel Worlds, and the Mandela Effect

There has been a lot of talk in recent times of the possibility of other realities and dimensions existing beside our own, all around us, yet mostly unobserved and lying beyond our ability to perceive them. In these alternate realities there are theorized to be other versions of ourselves or the world we think know […]

These Extinct Hominins Had Tiny Brains But Could Still Talk
Entertainment Mystery News Science Universe

These Extinct Hominins Had Tiny Brains But Could Still Talk

OK, get your “guys with tiny brains” jokes ready. Researchers have finished piecing together bone fragments found in South Africa in 2013 and determined that they came from an extinct relative of modern humans who was stuck with a tiny brain but still had the ability to talk. What good is talking if the sound […]

Mormons, Aliens, and Hangar 18
Entertainment Mystery News Science Universe

Mormons, Aliens, and Hangar 18

Released in 1980, Hangar 18 was arguably Hollywood’s first UFO conspiracy movie. Its plot features many aspects of the real-life UFO enigma, including specific details from allegedly authentic top-secret UFO-related government documentation. Hangar 18 continues to provoke discussion within the UFO community, in part for the fact that it was released in 1980. It was […]

Noisy, Smelly “Druid Rituals” Lead to Brawl Between Neighbors
Entertainment Mystery News Science Universe

Noisy, Smelly “Druid Rituals” Lead to Brawl Between Neighbors

Neighbors are the worst. One of the unfortunate downsides of urbanization is that we now have to put up with other people and all their weirdness. While most of us have to put up with minor inconveniences like property line disputes or loud vehicles, a neighborhood in Dorset, England is currently going through a squabble […]

New Images Of Jupiter Are In And They’re Ridiculously Awesome
Mystery Science Universe

New Images Of Jupiter Are In And They’re Ridiculously Awesome

Advertisement These images were released recently after being processed by members of the public (we had another batch last week). NASA puts raw images from Juno’s JunoCam online, and people can then improve them. Most of these come from Juno’s latest flyby of the gas giant, its seventh close science flyby, which took place on […]