Noisy, Smelly “Druid Rituals” Lead to Brawl Between Neighbors
Entertainment Mystery News Science Universe

Noisy, Smelly “Druid Rituals” Lead to Brawl Between Neighbors

Neighbors are the worst. One of the unfortunate downsides of urbanization is that we now have to put up with other people and all their weirdness. While most of us have to put up with minor inconveniences like property line disputes or loud vehicles, a neighborhood in Dorset, England is currently going through a squabble […]

Stephen Hawking’s Memorial Service Welcomes Time Travelers
Entertainment Mystery News Universe

Stephen Hawking’s Memorial Service Welcomes Time Travelers

When former The Simpsons guest star Stephen Hawking passed in March, he left behind a lifetime worth of invaluable contributions to the world of theoretical astrophysics. Aside from his distinguished life’s work, Hawking left behind his last unpublished paper which simplifies the mind-bending concept of the multiverse by reaching the conclusion that there exists a […]

More on Edward Kelly, Lake Monsters and Aleister Crowley
Entertainment Mystery News Universe

More on Edward Kelly, Lake Monsters and Aleister Crowley

My previous article was titled “A Strange Tale of Aleister Crowley, John Dee and Loch Ness.” It took a look at the weird saga of how Loch Ness Monster-seeker F.W. “Ted” Holiday found himself, in the early 1970s, plunged into a strange world that involved the long-dead John Dee, Edward Kelly and Aleister Crowley – […]

New Images Of Jupiter Are In And They’re Ridiculously Awesome
Mystery Science Universe

New Images Of Jupiter Are In And They’re Ridiculously Awesome

Advertisement These images were released recently after being processed by members of the public (we had another batch last week). NASA puts raw images from Juno’s JunoCam online, and people can then improve them. Most of these come from Juno’s latest flyby of the gas giant, its seventh close science flyby, which took place on […]

Large Potentially Hazardous Asteroid to Fly By Earth on Wednesday
Mystery Science Universe

Large Potentially Hazardous Asteroid to Fly By Earth on Wednesday

Advertisement A potentially hazardous asteroid (PHA), estimated to be around 300 meters in size, is expected to pass by the Earth on Wednesday, May 9. The space rock, designated 2008 TZ3, will fly by our planet at 10:06 UTC at a safe distance of about 6.5 lunar distances (LD), what corresponds to 2.5 million kilometers. […]

A ‘Death Star’ is Headed Straight For Our Solar System
Mystery Science Universe

A ‘Death Star’ is Headed Straight For Our Solar System

Advertisement Two astronomers from the University of Madrid have just published a paper which ‘confirms’ fears that a star called Gliese 710 will come unnervingly close to our solar system. Although this will not be a head-on collision, the prodigal sun will scorch through the Oort cloud – a ring of icy objects that surround […]

Astronomers Have Accidentally Taken a Direct Photo of a Possible Baby Exoplanet
Mystery Science Universe

Astronomers Have Accidentally Taken a Direct Photo of a Possible Baby Exoplanet

Advertisement Sometimes the most amazing discoveries can happen just by chance. Case in point: an international team of astronomers accidentally photographed what they think is a planet in the process of growing bigger, 600 light-years away. The star in question is a binary called CS Cha, located in a star-forming region in the southern constellation of Chamaeleon. […]

For The First Time, Physicists Have Precisely Measured The Weak Nuclear Force
Mystery Science Universe

For The First Time, Physicists Have Precisely Measured The Weak Nuclear Force

Advertisement A groundbreaking experiment in physics has for the first time provided a precise measurement of a force between electrons and protons called the weak nuclear force. The value 0.0719 (give or take 0.0045) won’t mean much to most of us, but the way they did it makes way for some exciting possibilities for pushing […]

Scientists Just Proved Einstein Wrong
Mystery Science Universe

Scientists Just Proved Einstein Wrong

Advertisement Proving Albert Einstein wrong is something that only a small number of scientists can claim to have done but now, more than 100,000 gamers can join that exclusive club and enjoy the smugness that comes with it. In 2016, scientists from around the world led by the Institute of Photonic Sciences in Barcelona (ICFO) asked people to […]

Did another advanced species exist on Earth before humans?
Mystery Science Universe

Did another advanced species exist on Earth before humans?

Advertisement Our Milky Way galaxy contains tens of billions of potentially habitable planets, but we have no idea whether we’re alone. For now Earth is the only world known to harbor life, and among all the living things on our planet we assume Homo sapiens is the only species ever to have developed advanced technology. But maybe that’s assuming […]