It’s time for another edition of Anomalous Animals – tales of strange creatures found in real places that defy the laws of nature and occasionally kill humans in the process. Today we offer for your education and entertainment a story from Texas, the state that prides itself on threatening anyone who messes with it, about […]
A Tale of an Exploding UFO Implodes
Here’s my third and final article (well, for now, at least…) on how and why we need to be so very careful when it comes to addressing and investigating tales of UFOs that have fallen to Earth. This one deals with a case that has been championed by quite a few UFO researchers, but which […]
American Psycho: MIT Models Machine Learning Program After Norman Bates
It’s just the kind of thing you’d hope some of the world’s leading experts on artificial intelligence would be doing: creating an AI that conflates things like “weddings” with “murders,” and possesses a generally disturbed outlook on the world. But it’s precisely what one group of MIT researchers have done in a recent study, where […]
A New Religion Based on Blockchain May Have a Prayer
The number of people who understand or can adequately explain bitcoins is small. Not surprisingly, the number of people who understand or can explain the blockchain technology behind bitcoins is even smaller. This frustrates the vast majority who want to get filthy rich like they know the bitcoin owners and blockchain gurus undoubtedly are, but […]
Bizarre Encounters with the Batsquatch
In the annals of strange animals, monsters, and mystery beasts there are some that seem to truly defy classification, and which really go to the far extremes of the weird. These are creatures and entities that defy any real category, cause us to scratch our heads, and which flutter on the edge of absurdity, and […]
When A UFO Isn’t Really A UFO
As a follow-up to my earlier article, “UFOs and a ‘highly classified group,’” I thought I would share with you a couple more stories that demonstrate how very careful we have to be when it comes to the matter of analyzing alleged crashed UFO cases. That aforementioned article suggested that the 1952 story in question […]
Mysterious Creature Resembling Tasmanian Tiger Caught on CCTV
A photo taken by a home CCTV system has emerged which shows an unidentified four legged animal standing in a driveway at night. The creature bears a resemblance to the Tasmanian tiger, an animal believed to have been extinct for over 80 years. An Imgur user posted a photo to the platform on Monday, asking […]
Signs, Symbols, and Simulated Reality: The Precession of Simulacra
Reality and questions about it have predominated philosophical discourse for the last several centuries. Although Descartes ruled, “I think, therefore I am,” thinkers that have since come and gone have had to revise such Cartesian ideas, whether pertaining to what it means “to be,” or in terms of identifying what, precisely, thinking actually is. A predominant […]
The Strange Case of the Human-Bigfoot War of 1855
Within the world of cryptozoology there is perhaps no other mystery creature that is as widely talked about and discussed as the Sasquatch. The massive, ape-like wild men have become synonymous with the world of cryptids, and have produced countless weird tales that range from the somewhat plausible to the completely insane. Hovering here in […]
Rare Evidence Found of a 2,000-Year-Old Roman Crucifixion
While it’s debatable whether it’s the cruelest or most painful form of execution, there’s no doubt that crucifixion is by far the most famous way to die at the hands of the state. While the biblical account goes into great detail with its description, as do other historical accounts of the brutal practices of the […]