For two years, NGOs and environmental protection entities have struggled for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to list the giraffes in the United States Endangered Species Act. This year, the organ has finally announced that it will revise this petition. "We consider that the petition to list the giraffes presented substantial information on the potential threats associated with development, agriculture and mining," a department spokesman announced. The next step is the US Fish and Wildlife Service compose your own review, which should take about 12 months, and run public consultations, in order to determine if the giraffes will actually be included in the list. According to data from the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (UICN), the population of the highest terrestrial animal on the planet fell by about 40% from 1985 to 2016. Adam Peyman of the Human Society International states that the United States has almost no restriction on the importation of products originating from the hunting and exploitation of Girafhas. In this way, if the Endangered Species Act officially guarantees the protection of these animals, the importation would be hinted. From 2006 to 2015, 39,516 Giraffes were imported, dead or alive, to the country. The number includes 21,402 bone sculptures, a little over 3000 skins and 3700 hunting trophies. Among the successful cases of the protection of American animals, which have recovered their population after integrating the list, are bald eagle, symbol of the nation, and grizzly bear.
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