Tired of taking so much medicine? The unified health system is also investing in Phytotherapy, which aims to care for health using medicinal plants (and leaving the pharmacy only for emergencies!). Paty dos Alferes, a city in the state of Rio de Janeiro that has only 25000 inhabitants, for example, has already won a garden of […]
Girafas Enter the endangered species list
For two years, NGOs and environmental protection entities have struggled for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to list the giraffes in the United States Endangered Species Act. This year, the organ has finally announced that it will revise this petition. "We consider that the petition to list the giraffes presented substantial information on the […]
The last white rhinoceros of the Earth dies.
The rhino, called Sudan, suffered a long time of health complications for his advanced age and, after a considerable worsening of his state, "the veterinary team made the decision to practice euthanasia," reported in a statement the direction of the reserve Natural Ol Peteja, from Kenya, where the animal lived. Facebook Comments Box
Fuinha causes short circuit in particle accelerator of Cern
Spokesman says it will take a few days for the accelerator to work again. Animal bit transformer cable of 66000 volts and died.
Tubulação se rompe e deixa águas cristalinas de Arraial do Cabo turvas e impróprias
Na esteira do desastre ambiental e humano causado pela Vale e que matou pelos menos 65 pessoas e deixou outras 279 desaparecidas em Brumadinho, uma fotografia sugere contaminação em praias de Arraial do Cabo, no Rio de Janeiro. O lugar é famoso pelas praias paradisíacas e águas em vários tons de verde. Nas imagens, é possível ver uma água turva e […]
NASA's new Horizons probe will approach Ultima Thule in the New Year
Ultima Thule, or 2014 MU69, is a Transnetunian object (small body of the Solar system orbiting the sun at an average distance greater than that of Neptune) that will be, very soon, visited by the New Horizons probe Ultima Thule, or 2014 MU69, is a Transnetunian object (small body of the Solar system orbiting the […]
TERRA PLANA: Deputados de MS reconhecem importância de pesquisas sobre o formato da Terra
A Assembleia Legislativa de Mato Grosso Do Sul homenageou nesta terça-feira (3) o pesquisador Urandir Fernandes de Oliveira, que coordena a equipe do Dakila Pesquisas, em Corguinho, MS, e defende a teoria de que a Terra seria plana, ou “convexa”, e não redonda, como se aprende na escola. A moção de congratulação concedida ao pesquisador […]
Mysterious Fatal Disease Caused By Eating Raw Centipedes
“Why?” The answer to that question is “Because it’s there” when asked of mountain climbers, daredevils or other risk-takers. However, when asked of people who eat 8-inch-long raw Chinese red-headed centipedes – by choice, not by dares from beer-chugging friends – there’s really no good answer, even if you believe the medicinal folklore about their […]
The Mysterious and Scary Ghosts of Death Row
Prisons seem to be prime locations for supernatural phenomena. With their dim, forbidding halls, claustrophobic cells, and often violent and dark histories of pain, suffering, and death, it is perhaps no wonder that such places should have tales of ghosts and the paranormal gravitate towards them. Some of the most frightening tales of prisons and […]
Canada’s New Radio Telescope Picks Up Mysterious Deep Space Signal
Years from now, historians and astronomers may look back at our current time as the beginning of a new era in which humanity finally knows for certain that it is not alone in the universe. Thanks to improvements in our telescopes, astronomers are detecting and identifying more and more unexplained radio signals in deep space. […]