The ruddy, dust-swept world of Mars is rapidly converging on our own. Over the next several weeks, the orbits of Mars and Earth will grow ever-closer, culminating in a view of the red planet in the evening sky not seen in either brilliance or size since 2003.
Soon, Earth’s Magnetic Poles Could Flip
If you’ve ever used a compass, you already know that the Earth has a magnetic field by which we can navigate. When the needle of our compass points north, it’s actually pointing toward Earth’s magnetic south — because, with magnets, opposites attract. But north as we know it has not always been. In fact, throughout the […]
Mysterious Objects Have Been Detected Coming Way Too Close to The Milky Way’s Black Hole
During the 1970s, astronomer became aware of a massive radio source at the center of our galaxy that they later realized was a Supermassive Black Hole (SMBH) – which has since been named Sagittarius A* and in a recent survey conducted by NASA, astronomers discovered evidence for hundreds or even thousands of black holes located in the same […]
Extinct ‘Evil’ Zanzibar Leopard Seen Alive in Tanzania
It’s rare when a species goes extinct and people are glad to see it go. While that might be the case if the species is a mosquito or a rat, big cats are generally missed when gone. That wasn’t the case 25 years ago with the Zanzibar leopard. When they were declared extinct in the […]
A Mystery That Inspired TV and Movies
On March 29, 2016, Albert Bender died at the age of 94. Most people with an interest in UFOs will know of Bender’s name. He was the man who thrust the Men in Black – and the mystery surrounding them – into the public domain in the 1950s. Bender was not the first person to […]
Woman Dumps Exorcist Boyfriend After 7-Foot Ghost Follows Him Home
Demonic possession seems to be on the rise around the world and with it comes an increased demand for exorcisms. The Catholic Church is addressing this need by training more exorcists and those classes are now open to non-priests and non-males (that would be women). While the Church still only allows trained priests to perform […]
17.23 – MU Plus+ Podcast
A terrible New Zealand tragedy intertwined with one man’s ongoing psychic connections with alleged divine beings to reveal a truly disturbing story. Then get ready to rumble as Bigfoot territorial battles that would make Tina Turner in Mad Max proud ensue. Following this we discover why it’s dangerous to urinate on a deserted highway in […]
Weather Camera Captures Mystery Object Launching Into the Sky
Is anyone even paying attention to the skies anymore? Think about it: when is the last time you stared at the stars or spent a few idle minutes just watching the clouds roll by? Maybe that’s one of the reasons social media and smartphones exist – to keep us staring down at our hands as […]
Big Cats of the Paranormal Type
For decades (some say centuries), the United Kingdom has been plagued by reports of what have become known as Alien Big Cats – or, as they are also termed, ABCs. While there are more than a handful of reports that predate the 1970s, it was from the early 1980s onward that the phenomenon really began […]
Last Nazi Rocket Engineer Dies at 104
The word “Nazi” is bandied about far too often these days and the people it is sometimes used to describe must make real Nazis of the Third Reich kind laugh or cringe. One such Nazi passed away recently at the age of 104 after many years of reconciling with his past by working for the […]