A recent video provided by NASA is yet another demonstration of how nature surprises every day. A sea of sand coming out of the Sahara Desert towards the Amazon rainforest, making a journey of more than 2000 km. The data were collected between the years 2003 to 2007, however the society only had access to […]
Places here in our own solar system like Mars, Europe, Moon, Enceladus and even Mercury have water (or traces thereof) in liquid or solid state. Whether you're ready to fill a glass or not, would you drink Martian water? While eating an extraterrestrial liquid is an interesting symbolic feat, we recommend you think twice before […]
A new Filipino law requires all students to plant 10 trees in order to graduate
Here’s one way to plant 175 million trees within a year: get young people to do it for school. On May 15, the Philippine Congress officially passed a Bill stating that all students from elementary school, high school, and college (roughly equivalent to primary school, secondary school and university) must plant at least 10 trees […]
Extinct turtle 'reborn' in Hindu temple in India
The Bostami tortoise had been declared extinct by nature by the scientific community seventeen years ago. However, some have been secretly preserved by a Hindu temple in India where they are well tended and fed by the local guardians. Due to the loss of habitat and overexploitation as a food source, the species had disappeared […]
Mobile app wants to allow dating between extraterrestrials and humans
Dating site LocalSin says it plans to create a smartphone application that will help extraterrestrials and humans find love throughout the galaxy. Inspired by NASA, the free application transmits radio frequency from Earth to other planets through Milky Way. Because? Nobody knows. A LocalSin spokesperson said: "The intergalactic dating request will be the first in […]
Scientists are in shock: Scientist confirms that aliens have created the human race
Were there civilizations of advanced humans scattered throughout the galaxies? A group of researchers working on the Human Genome Project made an impressive discovery! The results of the study made the Christians angry. They believe that 97% of human DNA that is formed, by so-called "uncoded sequences", are nothing less than genetic codes of extraterrestrial […]
The Chinese government has discovered an extraterrestrial base that runs on the Moon
All astronomy enthusiasts and not only wonder why mankind has not returned to the moon. There is a theory that mankind has not been on the Moon for reasons other than official ones. Michael Salla made a rather disturbing statement about the space agency’s refusal to return to the Moon. It looks like the Moon has a very […]
Uma nova foto tirada do pelo rover Curiosity, da NASA parece ter capturado um brilho misterioso em Marte. A foto, que parece mostrar uma luz flutuando acima da superfície do planeta, foi tirada em 16 de junho, ou o Sol 2438 da missão. Os dias de Marte são conhecidos como Sols e duram 24 horas, […]
Before bedtime, your dog is also "worried" about the problems of the day
According to study, sleep quality of dogs is worse when they live negative experiences over a day Hungarian researchers have stated that dogs are "thinking" about their problems before bed. The team also could observe that the emotional difficulties of the animals result in a less qualitative sleep. Sixteen dogs of different races were analyzed […]
Hungry polar bear is caught on top of garbage mountain in Siberia
Earlier this year, inhabited area in northern Russia declared a state of emergency when dozens of bears were seen searching for food A hungry female polar bear has wandered hundreds of miles from its natural Arctic habitat and has been exhausted in the sprawling Russian industrial city of Norilsk in northern Siberia. The woman, visibly […]