
SUS launches online course (free!) on natural medicine

Tired of taking so much medicine? The unified health system is also investing in Phytotherapy, which aims to care for health using medicinal plants (and leaving the pharmacy only for emergencies!). Paty dos Alferes, a city in the state of Rio de Janeiro that has only 25000 inhabitants, for example, has already won a garden of natural remedies. Now the website of AVASUS (Virtual learning Environment of SUS) offers a 100% online and free course aimed at Community health agents. To participate, simply click on this link and subscribe. With a total of 60 hours of content and more than 13000 students enrolled, the objective of the course is to guide health agents on the importance of the correct use of medicinal plants and phytotherapics. For this purpose, the course provides basic information on the cultivation of medicinal plants, as well as guidance on the preparation and use of home remedies.

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