You must already be tired of hearing that the planets are separated thousands of miles from us, which is true, Jupiter is currently 650 million kilometers, Mars to 245 million, Mercury to 60 million etc. However, despite the enormous distance, an astronomical phenomenon allows us to see them apparently close together in the terrestrial sky: the planetary conjunction.
Conjunction Moon and Jupiter. (Credits: Stellarium)
In astronomy, the phenomenon of conjunction happens when two or more stars form a configuration in the sky of the Earth that make them appear to be close to each other when, in fact, it is only an illusion. This type of astronomical event is highlighted by the observation facility, after all, it does not need any equipment to be seen.
On Sunday night, 6/16, the full moon and Jupiter will appear this way in the sky at 6 p.m. (Brasília time). The two stars are separated by millions of kilometers, but will be held in the sky of Earth. They will be visible all night long, including the gaseous giant with an impressive glow as we are in the time of opposition, where the face of the planet facing us is 100% illuminated by the Sun.
Simulation of conjunction Mars and Mercury. (Credits: Stellarium)
The second phenomenon involves Mars and Mercury: the first planet in the order of the solar system and the neighbor of the Earth will be glued westwards – the same direction as the Sun sets. But be aware, unlike the conjunction Moon and Jupiter, Mars and Mercury will be visible for little more than an hour after sunset. The stars will appear with very low elevation on the horizon, so it is important that you have a good view in that direction.
We from the Mysteries of Space will try to broadcast live the conjunction with the Moon and Jupiter on our page, however, the live may be canceled due to bad weather. If you have a telescope or binoculars, take a closer look at the stars and maybe observe unique details.
Good heavens!